Like the Second Coming of Snipe

    Noel. Just Noel.

Agony Uncle, BabyDaddy and Official Style Guru
Location Censored for Security Reasons
   Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the Somerset countryside, a young boy named Noel listened intently whilst well known dictator, ladies man and all round badass Robert Mugabe uttered the immortal words, 'Party like a rockstar, Kick a little ass'. And he took those words to heart - making his way through life banging seven gramme rocks and chewing doobies. But it all went wrong when he met Rob, editor at Snipe Towers, who always has to take it just one step too far.

After the well documented court case 'The Universe Vs. Noel' came out in favour of The Universe and it's people, our mislead young man was told to get a job and clean up his act, or face a lifetime of inprisonment in Katie Price's literally 'man eating' vagina (last seen appearing as 'The Pit of Sarlac' in Return of the Jedi.) Fearing to go where every man had gone before, he called Rob and reminded him that he'd covered for his sorry arse when asked in court, 'And did anyone else punch Cherlie Blair in the face?'

True to the spirit of friendship, Rob offered him a job as Snipe's agony Uncle - he accepted and to this day is answering your queries, bringing a host of his good celebrity friends to help out. Men of the community, like Charlie Sheen, John Prescott and Dr. Darl from Neighbours.

Miracles performed..........................................................................666
Gold medallions...................................................................................1
Guilty Secrets.................................................................................4567
Roles in major Hollywood movies.........................................................42 yet unknown
Favorite Music................................................................Cheesy 80s pop
Milkshake choice..........................Anything to bring all the boys to the yard
Fantasy Father.........................................................................The Pope
Wishes he could be............................................................Eleanor Rigby
Bizarre phobia.....................................................................Smirnoff Ice

    Read more of his writing here:


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